A Licence to thrill

When we received an order for 4 Logic trailed sprayers last year we didn’t think too much of it and proceeded to ensure it was fulfilled.

We packed them up and shipped them off to Italy, assuming at this stage they may be heading for an olive grove or arable farm.

However, it has come to light that we were supplying the set of the latest James Bond film ‘No time to die’ – the 25th James Bond film, marking Daniel Craig’s final appearance as the spy.

The Independent reported:

‘Over 8,400 gallons of Coca-Cola were used to film a motorbike stunt in No Time To Die, the film’s producers have revealed.

According to the movie’s stunt boss Lee Morrison, it was Daniel Craig himself who devised the idea in order to make the cobbled streets of Matera in Italy less slippery for his stunt double rider Paul Edwards.

Total Film reports that it is thanks to this innovative trick that Edwards was able to hit a 25ft ramp at 60mph, clear a wall and land safely on the cobbled street.

The sugary soft-drink leaves a sticky residue on the stones after it has dried, which allows the motorbike’s wheels to get a better grip.’

U.K. outfit Triumph Motorcycles partnered with EON Productions on No Time To Die, supplying special editions of the Tiger 900 and Scrambler 1200 models to feature in the movie.

Lee Morrison added: ‘I spent nearly €60,000 spraying Coca-Cola around Matera. I’ve been spraying Coca-Cola on slippery surfaces for a very long time.’

After two delays to its release due to the Pandemic, we are looking forward to seeing Bond in action in April 2021.

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